Woodpeckers are always looking for food in dead trees. In other words, we should not easily cut down dead trees.

Steller's sea eagle. We were looking for eagles in a distant tree with binoculars when we saw it perched on a tree just in front of us.
撮影した鳥の写真やいただいたお札を紹介しています。 Here are some pictures of birds we have taken and some amulets we have gotten.
Woodpeckers are always looking for food in dead trees. In other words, we should not easily cut down dead trees.
Steller's sea eagle. We were looking for eagles in a distant tree with binoculars when we saw it perched on a tree just in front of us.
Steller's sea eagle. The bird we have been photographing most recently is this eagle.
It is difficult for us to find this bird from a distance because its body color is similar to the color of trees.
This eagle has blood on its beak. This bird may have just eaten something.
Marsh Tit. This little bird is holding a small berry in its mouth.
Black woodpecker. We saw this bird before, but this is the first time we took pictures of it.