Black-faced bunting. Female? or Young?

Mandarin duck. Female. When we were walking along the path along the shores of Lake Abashiri, a water bird suddenly took flight.
撮影した鳥の写真やいただいたお札を紹介しています。 Here are some pictures of birds we have taken and some amulets we have gotten.
Black-faced bunting. Female? or Young?
Mandarin duck. Female. When we were walking along the path along the shores of Lake Abashiri, a water bird suddenly took flight.
Pacific swift. It seems to fly a lot of swallows, but these are not ordinary swallows.
This is a bigger photo. It is clear that the shape of this swallow is different from the shape of an ordinary swallow.
Siberian Stonechat. At first we found this bird in a wheat field without our camera, so we went to the same place with it. We could fortunately see this bird again.
This pole is stained with bird droppings, so birds probably stop here often.
Eurasian skylark. This bird is usually flying with a characteristic voice, so we can find it easily. But it is difficult for us to take pictures of it when it is flying at low height from the ground.